✍️ why i write

I started writing on the web several years ago, inspired by the gentle nudge of my hero, Seth Godin.

I use this space to talk out loud about the things that I'm learning or noodling on at the moment.

I hope it moves the needle for you.

🤘 why i do anything

Below is a list of beliefs that help guide the way I lead my life. I'm far from perfect and enjoying the ride.

  • I believe the "good life" is the compound effect of giving a damn, being kind to ourselves, and adding value to others
  • I believe that each of us have something unique to contribute
  • I believe the impact of our legacy will be based on how well we understood the needs, wants, dreams, and desires of the people we chose to serve
  • I believe fear is a signal that we might be on to something great
  • I believe our lives should be filled with projects that matter, not to-do lists
  • I believe an apology goes a long way
  • I believe there is magic in being still
  • I believe the best way to show up today (and for the rest of our lives) is to ship our work, learn, rinse, and repeat.

🤓 why i nerd out

There is nothing more exciting, third to my marriage and Mexican food, than learning interesting stuff.

I'm a former collegiate baseball national champion, founder, healthcare clinician turned software developer, and a proud graduate of a handful of educational institutions including the one and only AltMBA.

Big shout out to my parents, who always encouraged me to explore and gave me the support and autonomy to come to my own conclusions. And to my wife, friends, and heroes who inspire me to be better every day.

thanks for checking this out

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